৪৪ তম বিসিএস প্রশ্ন সমাধান ব্যাখ্যাসহ পড়ে নিন

বিসিএস প্রস্তুতির জন্য ইংরেজি ভাষা ও সাহিত্য ১ম পর্ব

English Language

A. Parts of Speech

  • Duchess is feminine gender of- Duke.
  • Mare is feminine gender of- Horse.
  • The plural form of wolf is- Wolves.
  • Nazrul__is our national poet was also a soldier.- who.
  • An adjective modifies- Both noun and pronoun.
  • The verb of false is- falsify.
  • The child cried for__mother.- its.
  • The singular form of criteria is- Criterion

B. Idioms & Phrases

  • White elephant- a very costly or troublesome possession.
  • Out and out- thoroughly.
  • A round dozen- a full dozen.
  • Soft soap- flatter for self motive.
  • Hold water- bear examination
  • At the outset- at the beginning.
  • Castle in the air- a fanciful scheme.
  • Write off- reducing rate.
  • Feel at home- free and easy.
  • To embrace a habit – to eagarly engage in it.
  • Tooth and nail- tried hard.

এই বিভাগ থেকে আরো পড়ুন : 

C. Clauses

  • I know the boy who went there. – Adjective clause.
  • The girl whom you met in the hospital is my cousin.- Adjective clause.
  • How he came here is a mystery.- Noun clause.
  • I think that he is an honest man. – Noun clause.
  • He talks as if he knew everything. – Adverbial clause.

D. Corrections

  • Inc. Neither you nor I are in a sound position.
    Cor. Neither you nor I am in a sound position.
  • Inc. Train is running in time.
    Cor. The train is running on time.
  • Inc. One of my friends are a lawyer.
    Cor. One of my friends is a lawyer.
  • Inc. ‘The Arabian Nights’ are still great favorite.
    Cor. ‘The Arabian Nights’ is still a great favorite.


E. Transformation of Sentences

  • Affir : Everybody likes flowers.
    Neg : Nobody dislikes flowers.
  • Ass: There is no hope for me.
    Int: Is there any hope for me?
  • Ass : The garden is very beautiful.
    Exc: How beautiful the garden is!
  • Simple : He is too weak to walk.
    Complex : He is so weak that he cannot walk.
    Compound : He is very weak and he cannot walk.
  • Active : His sudden death shocked me.
    Passive : I was shocked at his sudden death.
  • Sup : Dhaka is the biggest city in Bangladesh
    Poss : No other city in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka.

F. Words

(i) Meanings (one word substitutions)
  • A place where money is coined- Mint.
  • A remedy for all diseases- Panacea
  • One who eats all kinds of food- Omnivorous.
  • A place for keeping Aeroplanes- Hanger.
  • The killing of a whole race- Genocide.
  • A person who writes dictionaries- Lexicographer.
  • Animals sucking their mother’s breast- Mammals.
(ii) Synonyms
  • Delude- Deceive
  • Rage- Anger
  • Emancipate- Liberate
  • Venerate- Respect
  • Sporadic- Scattered
  • Franchise- Privilege
  • Augment- Amplify
  • Coherent- Consistent
  • Gallant- Brave
  • Inception- Beginning
  • Obscene- Indecent.
(iii) Antonyms
  • Central- Periphery
  • Transitory- Permanent
  • Diligent- Indolent
  • Smooth- Rough
  • Consolidation- Fragmentation
  • Harbinger- Follower
  • Penury- Wealth
  • Conceal- Divulge
  • Demur- Accept
  • Dormant- Active
(iv) Spellings
  • Possession
  • Embarrassment
  • Conspicuous
  • Dichotomy
  • Accommodation
  • Erroneously
  • Repetition
  • Bureaucracy
  • Guarantee
  • Transparency
  • Cigarette
  • Dilemma
  • Machinery
  • Exaggerate.


(v) Usage of words as various Parts of speech
  • Noun form of the word “just’ is- justification
  • Verb form of the word ‘politics’ is- politicize.
  • Adjective form of the word’ ‘tax’ is- taxable.
  • Verb form of the word ‘danger’ is- endanger.
  • Noun form of the word long’ is- length
  • Adjective form of the word ‘poverty’ is- poor.
(vi) Formation of new words by adding Prefixes and Suffixes
  • Mis- Misfortune, Miscarriage, Misrule, Misuse
  • Im-Impurity, Immigration, Immortal, Imperfect, Impossible.
  • In- Inequality, Injustice, Infinity, Inactive, Inhuman.
  • Be- Become, Bemuse, Behold, Becalm, Behead, Belittle.
  • en-Sweeten, Whiten, Hasten, Brighten.
  • ist-Socialist, Royalist, Terrorist, Anarchist.
  • ed-Salted, Deformed, Powdered, Restrained.
  • fy-Amplify, Verify, Exemplify, Justify.

G. Composition

  • Formal letters must have- a subject.
  • The two types of letter are- (i) formal (ii) informal
  • Main part of a letter is- body.
  • A paragraph must have- a single idea or topic.
  • One should complete a paragraph within- one para.
  • In a report writing it is needed to mention- date and place.


English Literature

Literary Periods, Terms and Writers

  • Poet Alfred Tennyson belongs to- Victorian period.
  • P.B. Shelley is a- revolutionary poet.
  • Ernest Hemingway won Nobel Prize in- 1954.
  • A serious play with a sad ending is called- Tragedy.
  • Victorian period of English literature refers to- 1832-1901.
  • First recipient of Nobel Prize for literature- RFA Sully Proudhomme.
  • John Keats belongs to- Nineteenth century.
  • George Bernard Shaw was an- Irish dramatist.
  • T.S Eliot, D.H. Lawrence, Pearl S. Buck belong to- Georgian period.
  • Elizabethan age refers to- 1558-1603.

Authors, Works and Types

  • `Paradise Lost’ written by- John Milton
  • Satirical poem ‘Dunciad’ was composed by- Alexander Pope.
  • ‘A Voyage of Lilliput’ is written by- Jonathan Swift
  • ‘Robinson Crusoe’ was written by- Daniel Defoe.
  • ‘Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard’ was written by- Thomas Gray.
  • Composer of ‘Andrea del Sarto’ is- Robert Browning.
  • ‘Prometheus Unbound’ was written by- P.B. Shelley.
  • `Wondered Lonely as a Cloud’ Wordsworth compares daffodils with- The stars of Milky Way.
  • ‘The Solitary Reaper’ was composed by- William Wordsworth.
  • ‘Biographia Literaria’ was written by- S.T. Coleridge.
  • `Trunkless legs’ in the poem Ozymandas referto- Leg without body.


  • A good face is the best letter of recommendation.- Queen Elizabeth.
  • Beauty is truth, truth is beauty.- John Keats.
  • Water, water, everywhere, not a drop to drink.- S.T. Coleridge.
  • Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested.- Francis Bacon.
  • Sweet are the uses of adversity.- William Shakespeare.

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