100 English Essay For Juniors

প্রাথমিক সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগ প্রস্তুতি ইংরেজি ১ম পর্ব


  • My brother has no interest__ music. -in.
  • He has been ill__Friday last.-since.
  • He gave up__football when he got married. – playing.
  • Break : Repair :: Wound:–Plaster.
  • My friend holds__unique position -a
  • The Arabian Nights__still a great favourite. – is.
  • Education is enlightening. Here the underlined word is a- participle
  • He was a rather disagreeable man. Here the underlined word is a/an- Adjective.
  • He lives in the suburb of Dhaka. The underlined phrase is-an adverbial phrase.
  • Times have changed and so__. – have I.
  • The flower smells__. – sweet.
  • The singular form of ‘data’ is, datum.
  • The meaning of the word ‘post-mortem’ is- autopsy.
  • The fan is not working__?- is it.
  • __ small, the room is well furnished.- Although.
  • I wish I__ the wings of a bird.- had.
  • The past participle form of ‘put’.- put
  • Oncologist means a doctor who treats- cancer.
  • A fantasy is__an imaginary story.
  • I was waiting for Ushoshi__she never came.- but
  • She has her hair a beautiful shade of brown.–dyed.
  • William Wordsworth was a–poet.
  • The drama Macbeth’ was written by-William Shakespeare.
  • ‘On His Blindness’ is written by-John Milton.
  • Mark Twain was an American novelist.
  • The quoted ‘Justice is truth in action’- Benjamin Disreali.
  • A funny poem of five lines called- Limerick.
  • In Ozymandias’ who saw the statue of Ozymandias- a traveler.
  • An Indian writer who is a famous novelist- RK Narayan.


  • Stagflation- Economic slow down
  • Illusive- Not certain
  • Infringe- Transgress
  • Equivocal- Mistaken
  • Imbibe- Drink
  • Intrepid- Fearless
  • Scuttle- Abandon.


  • Anarchy- Peace
  • Approach- Retract
  • Arrogant- Meek
  • Biased- Neutral
  • Bondage- Liberty
  • Calm- Agitated
  • Celebrity- Nonentity
  • Contraction- Expansion.

Idioms and Phrases

  • A cock and bull story- A false story
  • Abode of God- Heaven
  • Backstairs influence- Secret and unfair influence
  • Close-fisted man- A miser
  • Cut to the quick-To hurt intensely
  • Dead letter- An outdated law or custom

Translate Bangla into English

  • আমরা না হেসে পারলাম না- We could not but laugh.
  • সে কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ় হয়ে গেল- He found himself at his wit’s end.
  • লােকটি ঘাস কাটিতেছে ও গরুটিকে খাওয়াইতেছে- The man is cutting grass and feeding the cow.
  • চোরটি হাতে নাতে ধরা পড়ল- The thief was caught red-handed.
  • তিনি আমাকে আপদে বিপদে সাহায্য করেন- He helps me through thick and thin.

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